Land O’Lakes, Inc. and the Land O’Lakes Foundation are dedicated to serving the many communities where our cooperative has members, employees, plants and facilities. The Land O’Lakes Foundation proactively helps rural communities by donating resources that develop and strengthen organizations dedicated to hunger relief, education, and community.

Organizations that receive Land O’Lakes, Inc. or Foundation support must:
- Be a 501(c)(3) public charity, school, or unit of government.
- Align with our giving priorities of hunger relief, education, and community.
- Comply with our policies that prohibit discrimination based on protected status including race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age or status as a protected veteran.

Land O’Lakes, Inc. and the Foundation do not support grantmaking, sponsorships, and in-kind donations for:
- Direct funding to individuals, including fundraisers or scholarships for individuals
- Trade/Business Associations
- Political, lobbying, or fraternal groups
- Religious groups for religious activities

Region Grants Program
The Region Grants Program is a grassroots program developed specifically for Land O’Lakes dairy communities in the East and West Regions. The purpose is to improve the vibrancy of primarily rural communities through nonprofit donations where our member-owners live and work.
Community organizations applying for grants may be eligible for donations for local programs or projects from $1,000 to $20,000 annually.
Region Grants Open Grant Round: Hunger Relief
Open May 1-May 31. Award letters and checks sent in July/August.
Link to Application Here
Region Grants Open Grant Round: Community Vitality
Open September 1-September 30. Award letters and checks sent in November/December.
Link to Application Here
Read the Overview of the Region Grants Program.